Last of Us: 7 characters likely to appear on the HBO show

Fans of The Last Of Us video games can't wait to see what HBO does with the property, and here are 7 characters we're hoping make an appearance.

According to the official synopsis, the TV series seems to be adapting the first game in the series: “The story takes place twenty years after modern civilization as we know has been destroyed by the outbreak. Joel, a hardened survivor who lost his daughter at the outbreak day, is hired to smuggle Ellie, a 14-year-old girl, out of an oppressive quarantine zone. What starts as a small job soon becomes a brutal, heartbreaking journey, as they both must traverse across the U.S. and depend on each other for survival.”

In March 2020, it was announced that HBO was adapting the series when creator Neil Druckmann tweeted a confirmation of a number of female characters who will appear in the show. Fans have already begun speculating on who could step into these iconic roles, and here are 7 of the likeliest characters aside from Joel and Ellie, who will obviously be included who could appear. Spoiler alert for those who haven't finished both games!


Maria is Joel's sister-in-law and one of the prominent leader in the Jackson community. Making her debut during the first game's Fall section, Maria appears at the hydroelectric dam Joel and Ellie are passing through on their way to locating Tommy, Joel's brother.

Though Joel is initially shocked to learn his brother has gotten married, he quickly comes around to Maria's presence. Additionally, Maria shows an immediate soft corner and affection for Ellie and does whatever she can to make the adolescent teen feel at home. Her inclusion in the TV show only feels natural as part of the growing Jackson family and for the leadership she provides.


In the world of The Last of Us, Bill is the man who knows how to acquire things. Living outside the Boston Quarantine Zone (QZ), Bill assists by smuggling products to others inside while maintaining a very tight sense of security in his remote town.

Fans fell in love with Bill's curmudgeon-like attitude and banter with Ellie, something the show could extrapolate on. Additionally, Bill constantly reminds Joel of the grim reality they're facing, explaining that caring for others only results in disaster. Bill's nascent emotions are partially explained in the tragic story of Frank, Bill's former partner, who, after leaving Bill, hangs himself after being bitten. Upon finding his body, Bill exhibits just a hint of sadness for his lost lover.


Every great adventure needs a catalyst, and, in The Last of Us, that would be Marlene. As the leader of the remaining Fireflies, Marlene tasks Joel and Tess with transporting Ellie to the Fireflies at the Capitol Building, kicking off the main storyline in the series.

Marlene's story is rich with depth and complexity. It's revealed that she previously knew Ellie's mother and promised she'd take care of Ellie. She demonstrates genuine love and compassion for Ellie, and she returns in Part II in a brief but compelling scene. While the exact timeline of the show isn't known yet, fans can expect to see Marlene in some way or another.


Riley appears in the Dark Horse prequel comic The Last of Us: American Dreams and the DLC game Left Behind. Both stories focus on the complex relationship between Ellie and Riley in the Boston QZ leading up to the events of Ellie's fateful infected bite.

Fans of the games very well know Riley's importance to Ellie's story. On the last night before Riley is set to join the Fireflies, Ellie pleads for Riley not to go, and they kiss. Riley denounces her intent to leave and tosses her Firefly pendant aside. In the world of The Last of Us, however, happy moments are fleeting; the pair are quickly ambushed by a hoard of infected and bitten. Riley suggests they just wait and turn together in a poetic gesture, but, when Ellie's immunity prevents her from turning, she's left with the burden of survivor's guilt.


Rarely do characters make themselves so memorable in such a short time, but that's the beauty of Tess. The gamer is introduced to Tess after the story jumps 20 years into the future, where it's revealed that she and Joel are smugglers in Boston and have an unexplained past of some kind.

Tess initially demonstrates apathy towards Ellie, referring to her as just cargo. But, after being bitten, she begs Joel to complete the mission, now believing in Ellie's purpose. She elects to sacrifice herself to allow Joel and Ellie time to escape the approaching soldiers. Seeing a main character killed off so early was certainly a shock considering it was natural to assume she'd play a large role in the narrative, but it opens up avenues for the show to explore the cruel and unforgiving nature of this world. And maybe the show would explore the path of how Joel and Tess met.


Joel's younger brother plays a small supporting role in the first game's narrative, turning up during the prologue escape sequence and then later when Joel and Ellie arrive at the dam. Here, it's revealed that, while Tommy and Joel haven't always seen eye to eye, they still offer support to one another.

Tommy's role in Part II is much larger, being the gatekeeper to Joel's secret about the Firefly massacre and his lie to Ellie. After Joel's death, Tommy leaves Jackson on a revenge mission to find Joel's killers. He manages to assassinate a number of the WLF before nearly being killed by Abby and later heartlessly berates Ellie for giving up on their quest for vengeance.


Few stories have ever begun in more heart-breaking fashion than Sarah's death. In the game's prologue, Sarah gifts her father, Joel, a watch for his birthday, and Sarah falls asleep on the couch watching TV. Later, Sarah is awoken by an urgent call from Tommy before the line cuts out.

The gameplay begins here as the player traverses her empty home and witnesses the origins of the outbreak. Seeing the events happen through the eyes of an adolescent child creates an incredible sense of vulnerability for the player. Once she becomes injured, Joel takes over and the player becomes the protector, making her sudden death all the more devastating. Ultimately, her death serves as the motivation for all of the heroic and heinous acts Joel would later commit for Ellie.

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