Future Macbooks may be capable of charging your smartphone wirelessly

Apple is apparently working to let the users charge multiple Apple devices with one single power cord. A recently discovered patent spotted by Patently Apple suggests that the Apple is working to put two-way wireless charging coils into its devices to create a closed wireless-charging ecosystem. The company is planning to use multiple “inductive coils” on both the front and the back of mobile devices like the MacBook, iPhone, and iPad.

Recently US Patent and Trademark Office awarded Apple the patent, “Inductive charging between electronic devices”. This patent suggests that Apple might integrate unique two-way charging coils into their mobile devices for them to use an ecosystem of wireless charging together.

This will enable the user to just connect one device with the power source and wirelessly charge other devices from it and form a chain of wirelessly charging devices. 

Current MacBooks and iPads are made out of aluminum and aluminum  isn’t compatible with wireless charging. So it would be interesting to see if Apple plans to bring back plastic Macbooks or maybe have a glass cutout like the Pixel 5 or something completely different.


We all know Apple is planning to remove its last port from their iPhones in the near future. So probably with this the company is trying to make wireless charging more accessible. However, this is just a patent, as of now. So it may or may not see the light of day as we know, Apple usually doesn't implement anything before it's completely ready for the consumer market. 

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