A Look Back At Our Imperfect Superhero, Tony Stark

Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe witnessed quite the shock in Avengers:Endgame. In fact the movie was full of exciting, shocking, and thrilling twists. But none packed quite the same emotional punch as the death of Tony Stark aka Iron Man(Robert Downey Jr.).

Let's revisit the character of Tony Stark itself, who, in some cases was the chief villain of MCU before pouring out one of Stark's memory.

Paying The Ultimate Sacrifice To Save The World:

As Captain America pointed out in the Avengers the Tony Stark that the audiences met wasn't the guy to make the sacrifice play. Yet, in that film and Avengers: Endgame, Stark shows that he is willing to put the fate of the world (and the universe) before his own life.

Heroes as powerful as Captain Marvel, Thor or Scarlett Witch all fail to get their hands on the Infinity Gauntlet and defeat Thanos (Josh Brolin). But in doing one, Iron Man accomplishes the other too. The Avengers and their literal armies of allies overcome Thanos and his forces. And just a snap later, the universe was saved. And due to snap, Stark’s own death begins. Although Stark does plenty of hero work in previous movies, the stakes have never been higher than they are in Avengers: Endgame. Besides, most of the previous threats have one unfortunate thing in common.

But Tony Stark Also Created A Lot Of His Own Problems In The MCU:

In that very same scene, Cap points out how the only thing [Iron Man] really fights for is himself. Tony Stark might disprove that a few times over in the MCU. But consider how many of the villains Iron Man faced were a direct result of the hero’s own actions or inaction.

Even so all three of the main villains in the Iron Man Trilogy, War Monger, Whiplash and Aldrich Killian represent the dark version of Tony himself. Also due to the circumstances made by Tony or his father led them to take the path of evil. Also in Spiderman: Homecoming and Far From Home, both of the villains Vulture and Mysterio were created because Tony himself. And there's Ultron the Blood Thirsty Robot who was created by you guessed it Tony Stark. In the interest of protecting the world, he very nearly destroyed it indirectly. 

We’re not even going to talk on the fact that Tony Stark’s company, Stark Industries, has decades of experience building deadly weapons. Rather, it’s the impact Stark makes throughout the MCU that makes it clear he is low-key as much a villain as he is a hero. Prior to his commitment to the Avengers, wherever Tony went, it inspired others to seek vengeance for how he wronged them. He is a character whose curiosity, ego and haughtiness predicted nearly his every move. 

No matter how integral Downey’s performance is to the MCU as a whole, some of us might have missed the fact that Iron Man is far from the wholesome hero so many us seems want him to be. In fact, he very well might be both the greatest MCU hero and its most accomplished villain. In fact that is what makes Tony very dynamic as a character. He grows and changes throughout the movies and becomes a better man. Nobody is perfect but that doesn't stop good people to do good for others. 

In the end, we all loved Tony Stark no matter how the character was. It made us laugh throughout the Infinity Saga but left was with tears in our eyes. Robert Downey Jr. immortalized this character in our hearts. Tony learnt from his mistakes which made him believable as a character and more dynamic.With that being said, you see, nobody can be a playboy, billionaire, philanthropist, genius and more importantly cool like Tony Stark.