Money Heist, also known as La Casa De Papel, is a Spanish heist crime drama Netflix series which became worldwide hit due to it's heart-touching storyline, action packed heist drama and unexpected twists. From being a Spanish production to International Netflix sets, this series knows how to play narrative cliffhangers better than anyone. No wonder the fourth season of Money Heist aka La Casa De Papel crashed Netflix on April 3rd when millions of fans rushed to the platform to watch the latest adventures of the most famous robbers on the planet.
And so we have compiled a list of Top 12 moments in this series that gave goosebumps and emotional feelings or anger to the worldwide fans.
12.Berlin punishes Tokyo
Let's get right into the most complicated relationships of the whole series, Berlin vs Tokyo. It's how Berlin punishes Tokyo by turning her to the police. Tokyo is known for her impulsive behavior and mood-swings, sleep deprivations can mess with anyone's mind. Tokyo becomes crazy and begins a mutiny to become the leader. This leads Berlin to tie her to a table with the help of Helsinki and push her through the entrance towards the police.
We may think that Berlin punished her due to her disobedience but in reality, he did this just to protect his team and save the plan. Berlin has always been a controversial character, we love to hate him but to be fair Berlin had to do that unless you wanted to be killed because of Tokyo's impulsivity.
11. Scent of Earth
To get out of the Royal Mint of Spain, Moscow was given the duty to dig a tunnel through the vault floor where the tiles were way more thicker than usual. A planned tunnel digging was imposed by the Professor, which was dug by the hostages at a different point to avoid the police to get to know about the real tunnel which was being dug by Moscow.
At the very end of the heist, Moscow being able to reach the soil layer, called his other mates and excitedly sang Bella Ciao together as they could understand they have won and now they are going to take all the money and escape through the tunnel. This was the part where their victory was partly ensured and they were ready to escape anytime.
10. Revelation of Berlin as Professor's brother
At the very end of Season 1, during a flashback scene Berlin had a conversation with the professor and indicated him as his brother. This scene confused a lot of fans as they finally could understand how deep the relationship between Berlin and Professor is.
As they toast together, they sing Bella Ciao and ended half of the first heist drama in the first season. This revelation surprised all the viewers and this scene is one of the greatest scene of the series.
9. The Bluffing Scene
The next moment we have selected follows the modern Romeo and Juliet love story. Our 9th best scene of the series is The Bluffing Scene. The Professor's plan don't fail, at least this is what we thought. But from this scene we learnt that no one is immune to unpredictable events. The police are closer than ever to catching the Professor. This scene forces Professor and Raquel to go in separate directions. Raquel hides in a farm but is very quickly uncovered by the cops.
Equipped with the remote microphone she's still in audio contact with her lover. Clearly the tables had turned since the cop points his gun to Raquel"s head and shoots next to her. The Professor thinking Raquel's being killed lets himself submerged by sadness. This is the first time we see the Professor in a vulnerable state. Álvaro Morte's acting is on point right here.
8. Plan Valencia
Plan Valencia was the plan to confuse the cops and official outside by opening fire inside the Royal Mint of Spain, not hurting any hostages but to make sure the cops and official outside think that the robbers may have open fired on the hostages. The way Berlin directed the plan was absolutely tremendous and gave goosebumps to the fans.
On one side, Nairobi ordering the hostages to scream as loud as possible and on the other side, by the order of Berlin, Tokyo and Helsinki rapid fired on the cushions. This created a total chaos inside and made the officials to take unnecessary actions. In total, it was the best plan indeed.
7. Lisbon to the Bank of Spain
Let's jump to the final episode of Season 4. We had a scene with a military helicopter. Even though we all thought that the person hidden behind the Black suit is Gandia, we find out at the very last moment that it's Lisbon that found her way in the Bank. This is the final step in the transition of Lisbon from a cop to a thief.
Lisbon taking the disguise of a military official, entered the Bank of Spain with the military helicopter. This scene was fully understandable during the last moments of the episode and it really was good strategic plan. The way they chanted the name of Nairobi proved that at this time, it is not just a robbery, it is an ongoing war and they have to accomplish it for the sake of Nairobi. They won't let it go in vain.
6. Revelation of Manila
Since the start of the second heist, the face of a mysterious hostage was shown repeatedly. Later on, it came to light that, it was a member of the heist team in disguise of a hostage from the very start. Her work was to disclose the inner plans and talks of the hostages. Her godfather is Moscow who requested the Professor take her in the team as a infiltrated hostage and named her Manila.
As she saw Arturo planning from within and molesting a woman among the hostages, Manila didn't see any other idea but to finally reveal herself as a member of the heist team. As a result, disclosing this secret, she could get a hold of Arturo and threaten him. She proved to be of a great importance in Season 4 but her acts were not much revealed in these seasons. We may be able to see some more of her acts and her support to the team in the upcoming season
5. Missile Launchers at S.W.A.T Vehicle
Now robbery isn't a real one without weapons. Edited with the parallel montage with the Bluffing scene, this moment raises the stakes of the duality built between the system and the anti-system. After hearing the shots on Lisbon, the Professor had no other choice but to declare war against the officials. On the other side, the ongoing plan of the cops was becoming successful and the SWAT vehicle was going to enter the Bank, they decided to take part in that war.
Framed in closeup shots, Tokyo and Rio go downstairs teary-eyed, tightened jaws, holding missile launchers. The armored SWAT tank is ready to destroy the Bank's door and to get in there. The door opens in slow-motion, and then Tokyo and Rio launches the missile and destroys the armored tank. The vehicle blows up in flames and the survivors come out of the vehicle with their body on fire. This scene contains a meaning that they may have won the battle but the war is still going on.
4. The re-entry of Tokyo
For the betterment of the team and to save the plan, Berlin had to take a tough decision. Turning Tokyo to the police was one of the most surprising thing in the whole series. Tokyo was later on interrogated but she didn't spill anything. So the cops decided to take her to jail. On the way, the Professor's men created a barrier to the van carrying Tokyo and threatened the cops by guns. In this way, Tokyo was saved and the men gave her a motorbike to get to Professor. But as Professor was unreachable, she decided to take her own decision.
She took a great risk and the others seeing her come decided to help and tried to shoot the cops without doing any harm. Denver opening the gate, let Tokyo enter the Royal Mint yet again. But they had to pay a price. While distracting the cops by shooting, Moscow was hit by a few bullets and later on died due to lack of treatment.
3. Plan Chernobyl
Plan Chernobyl was yet another spectacular plan after Plan Valencia. At the start of season 3, the team decided to rob the Bank of Spain in order to rescue Rio from the torture of the officials. But to get into that big bank will be of a great risk. To execute it, they needed a distraction. Plan Chernobyl was also stated in the first heist in Season 1-2 but was not executed.
Plan Chernobyl was a plan that contained a massive distraction which was created by raining down millions of amount of cash by Zeppelins on the huge crowd of people. Through this distraction, the officials were forced to call in military to handle the situation, Taking it as an advantage, the team disguised themselves as officers and put stickers on their tank vehicles according to the battalion number and codes. Taking a lot of chances, they finally could enter the Bank of Spain, decrease the number of hostages and hijack the whole bank.
2. Berlin's Sacrifice
The 2nd position belongs to Berlin's Sacrifice. Personally, Berlin is my favourite character in this series. Whether you love him or hate him, you can't deny his endearing side. His emotional backstory makes us understand him more and you can progressively put yourself in his shoes. Berlin molested a woman, manipulated everyone and if he had the power, he could have been the modern-day Hitler. But Berlin also has a soft side. He's relatable and that's what his character made him so likable. Hidden behind a desk, he decides out of nowhere to rush towards the police and die in a heroic way.
Did he do it for himself just like a hero or was it a Redemption act? We will probably have an answer through the multiple flashbacks included in the upcoming season.
1. Nairobi's Death
Finally at number one, we have an emotional scene, Nairobi's Death. Gandia, who as a secondary character role in the series becomes a character able to change the narrative guidelines and the character arcs. Nairobi was shot in Season 3 and she is weaker than any of her other crew.
Gandia finally escapes (thanks to the tips of Palermo) and is trying to kill everyone. He manages to kidnap Tokyo, but she won't be the one perishing. Unfortunately, it's Nairobi that gets killed by Gandia with a bullet in the middle of her head.
The editing pace is so fast that you can barely keep up with what's happening. But when Gandia pulls the trigger, everything slows down. This slow-motion effect is more important when it means the calm after the chaos. Nairobi is no longer alive, the crew is missing a member. Filled with action and emotions, this scene is one of the best scene in the Money Heist aka La Casa De Papel.
So these are our favourite moments of Money Heist aka La Casa De Papel but what are your favourite moments and what do you think we may have missed from our list? Let us know about it in the comments below. Hope you have enjoyed reading our best moments from this series.