J.K. Simmons signed for 2 more Spider-Man movies! What will his role be story wise?

Marvel surprised all of us with the post credit scene in Far from home. Firstly, we see Mysterio's news being broadcasted. Then we see fan favorite, J.K. Simmons return as J. Jonah Jameson. Then they dropped another bomb with the reveal of Spider-Man's identity. People are now speculating what will happen in the sequel and will J.K. Simmons return as J. Jonah Jameson or for Far From Home?

J. Jonah Jameson had a big role in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. Fan absolutely loved him as J. Jonah Jameson in those movies. So, almost the entire fandom wants to see more of him in the MCU. Recently actor J.K. Simmons was asked whether he would return in the yet untitled Spider-Man Far From Home sequel. He said the following:

"I don't know if I would use the word expect... It's great to have the opportunity, as these things evolve, to be one of the holdovers from the previous version."

It sounds like he is not yet sure if he will be in the movie or not. But he later on slipped out an important details on the same interview. He said:

"When we signed on for the first movie, we signed a contract to do two sequels as well."

It is worth noticing that he mentioned two sequels and not two movies. Last year when a deal was finally made after that Disney-Sony argument it was speculated that Spidey would get another solo movie and would star in a team-up movie. But now the words of J.K. Simmons suggests Sony and Disney always wanted to work together and we might be getting more Spider-Man after the 3rd film. He could also mean his appearance in Morbias or Venom 2 but the word 'sequels' suggests otherwise.

What will his role be in the sequel?

J. Jonah Jameson will certainly play a bit different role in the story of the untitled sequel than he did in Sam Raimi's trilogy. In Sam Raimi's trilogy, Peter used to work on the Daily Bugle. As MCU Peter's identity is out in the public, it is certain that he won't work there. Moreover Marvel changed the Daily Bugle to be a website to modernize with time. The most likely chance is, J. Jonah Jameson being a background character. He would be always making reports framing Peter as the evil one. It is very similar to his role in PS4 Spider-Man game.

In the game J. Jonah Jameson has a podcast named Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson. His commentaries on every event in the city is heard throughout the game but he never goes face-to-face with Peter. The same thing can happen in the Far From Home sequel. J. Jonah Jameson would probably comment on every action of Peter while never going face-to-face with the web swinger. He would push the story forward from behind and would try to frame Peter as the villain. 

The yet untitled Spider-Man Far From Home sequel is scheduled to release on November 5, 2021.

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