These days you can virtually find anything, just by searching it on Google. Google search is not only a powerful search tool, but also the best friend of millions of people. It's always there for you except for times when there is no internet. Well, that was scary. It can help you find the lyrics of the song that has been going on your head and also find hotels and restaurants nearby. Today we are going to share some tips that will make your Google search experience more seamless and efficient.
1.Search for Similar Websites
There are times when we like something online and want to get more websites similar to it. You can do that with this simple trick.
Type "related:" and then the name of the website. Don't use any space in between the colon and the name of the website.
2. When you forgot most of the words
Sometimes we want to search for a big sentence or phrase on Google but we can't remember the entire sentence. In that case we have to type the part we remembered and use "AROUND (Number of missing words) " For example: I want to search for the poem 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'. I can also type 'I Wandered AROUND(3) Cloud'. Google will use it's magic and give you the poem I wanted.
3. Searching for a specific file type
Sometimes we have to search for a specific file type. At that time type the file you want and later add "filetype:" and then the type. Then after search you will only get files of that file type.
4. Use of Search Operators
Search Operators can come to a great use if you know its use. We only have to use "+" or "-" sign. For example: I want to search for all Spider-Man related Marvel article. So I will type "Marvel +Spider-Man". But if I want the other websites to not include Spider-Man, I will type "Marvel -Spider-Man".
5. Articles from a specific site
We can search for articles in a specific website using Google. Suppose I want an article about Augmented reality from The Verge website. Then I would use "site:" in the search.
6. Using the advanced search
Advance Search is for those who want to use Google at its extreme. So, first search "Advanced Search". Then click on the first link and you will be directed to the Google Advance Search page. There you can select language, region and much more.
These are a few tips to up your Google search game. There are many more shortcuts on Google. We found these 6 useful for normal day to day life. Let us know in the comments section down below if you guys want similar tips for YouTube. That's me signing out. Have a wonderful day!