In a new post on social media, Zack Snyder's Justice League star Ray Fisher declares Cyborg's powers are rivaled by only Watchmen's Doctor Manhattan. According to Zack Snyder's Justice League star Ray Fisher, Cyborg's power rivals only Watchmen's Doctor Manhattan. With next week's Justice League, Fisher will finally get his due as Victor Stone, aka Cyborg. The actor first stepped into the role for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016, but his part was a simple cameo setting up the next film. Cyborg was poised to play a large role in Justice League, but when director Zack Snyder left during filming due to a family tragedy, Fisher saw much of his arc changed by Joss Whedon during reshoots.
Thankfully, the Snyder Cut of Justice League will restore Cyborg's original arc. Snyder's version of the DC film is slated to arrive on HBO Max next week (after a mishap on Monday caused it to briefly release early), and it will be exactly what he set out to make years ago. Snyder has stated he fought to retain creative control over Justice League, meaning everything in the 4-hour cut will be his. It'll feature new characters and arcs, including the long-awaited origin story for Cyborg.
Fisher has always been one of Snyder's biggest supporters, and he has continued to back the director in a new post on social media. In it, Fisher commends Snyder for taking a lesser-known Black character and evolve them into the most powerful being in the DC Universe. He also mentions that, on the power front, Cyborg is only rivaled by Doctor Manhattan, who stands as one of the most formidable and superpowered beings in DC Comics. Fisher's full post can be seen down below.
It's a very bold claim, and one that might draw some conflicted responses from DC purists. While the theatrical Justice League struggled to do right by Cyborg, it looks like the Snyder Cut aims to give him the portrayal he deserves. That includes making him very powerful, though it remains to be seen if Cyborg's Justice League abilities will surpass those he has in the comics. Either way, the wait for answers won't go on for much longer.
Due to Fisher's continued battle against Warner Bros. regarding Whedon's abusive behavior on the set of Justice League's reshoots, this might be the last time he plays Cyborg in a movie. It would be disappointing to never see him as Victor again, particularly since the Snyder Cut looks to finally give him a story he deserves. Right now, though, Fisher isn't slated for any further appearances. It's a good thing that Justice League will at least give him the chance to shine as a powerful hero. He might even give Doctor Manhattan a run for his money.